Return Policy

We accept returns for a full refund within the first 30 days of your purchase; if 30 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a refund of any kind. Your merchandise must be returned to us unused, and in the same condition that you received it. Customers are responsible for the costs of shipping and handling. All refunds will be issued within 7-10 business days of Parcel Events receiving your returned goods in acceptable condition. 

We offer exchanges for damaged goods within the first 30 days of your purchase; if 30 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered an exchange of any kind. Based on product availability, we will send you the same or similar item as a replacement at no additional cost.

For any and all issues regarding your order, reach out to us at Please include the following information for faster processing:

  • Customer name

  • Order number

  • Item name

  • Description of issue

  • Images (as applicable)