Petite Farmhouse Bouquet


Featuring dried florals in shades of purple, grey, white, and blue, this bouquet crafted by Idlewild Floral Co. is a thoughtful way to integrate florals into your centerpeice that will last celebration after celebration. It also makes for the perfect hostess gift.

  • 12” x 4”

  • Due to the delicate nature of dried florals, some minor fallout during shipping should be expected.

About Idlewild Floral Co.:

We began with the mission to make the flower industry more sustainable. We believe everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the waste. Our all women team crafts stunning bouquets with preserved flowers that don't need water or refrigeration…Our dried flowers have been harvested at their peak and then taken through a natural preservation process to keep them looking their best for years…Delivered from our California studio to doorsteps nationwide.

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Featuring dried florals in shades of purple, grey, white, and blue, this bouquet crafted by Idlewild Floral Co. is a thoughtful way to integrate florals into your centerpeice that will last celebration after celebration. It also makes for the perfect hostess gift.

  • 12” x 4”

  • Due to the delicate nature of dried florals, some minor fallout during shipping should be expected.

About Idlewild Floral Co.:

We began with the mission to make the flower industry more sustainable. We believe everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the waste. Our all women team crafts stunning bouquets with preserved flowers that don't need water or refrigeration…Our dried flowers have been harvested at their peak and then taken through a natural preservation process to keep them looking their best for years…Delivered from our California studio to doorsteps nationwide.

Featuring dried florals in shades of purple, grey, white, and blue, this bouquet crafted by Idlewild Floral Co. is a thoughtful way to integrate florals into your centerpeice that will last celebration after celebration. It also makes for the perfect hostess gift.

  • 12” x 4”

  • Due to the delicate nature of dried florals, some minor fallout during shipping should be expected.

About Idlewild Floral Co.:

We began with the mission to make the flower industry more sustainable. We believe everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the waste. Our all women team crafts stunning bouquets with preserved flowers that don't need water or refrigeration…Our dried flowers have been harvested at their peak and then taken through a natural preservation process to keep them looking their best for years…Delivered from our California studio to doorsteps nationwide.

Dried Floral Ojai Wreath
Wooden Flower Bar with Florals
Petite California Bouquet
Noel Bouquet
Mini Strawberry Field Bouquet